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Vaccination Resources for Parents & Caregivers of Young Children

New York State vaccination resources



Help build a culture of positive parenting in your communities. Use these resources to make families aware of child care options, helpful hints to navigate concerns about development delays, and parenting support in your community. Distribute these resources throughout your communities in places parents and families visit on a regular basis. Review the websites and offer suggestions, be creative and let us know how we can help you!

NYS Office of Children and Family Services Child Care Resource

OCFS’ mission is to serve New York's public by promoting the well-being and safety of our children, families and communities.


NYS Office of Mental Health Parenting Resources

OMH’s mission is to promote hope and recovery for people with psychiatric disabilities.


NYS Education Department Parent and Community Engagement Resources

ED’s mission is to raise the knowledge, skill, and opportunity of all the people in New York.


NYS Department of Health Health Information

DOH’s mission works to protect and promote the health of New Yorkers through prevention, science and the assurance of quality health care delivery.


NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Economic Assistance Resources

OTDA’s mission is to promote greater self-sufficiency of the State's residents through the efficient delivery of temporary and transitional assistance, disability assistance, and the collection of child support.


NYS Parent Education Partnership Parenting Resources

NYSPEP’s mission is to enhance parenting skills, knowledge and behavior by developing a strong, statewide network that promotes, provides and improves parenting education.


Early Care and Learning Council Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies

Child Care Resource and Referral programs (CCR&Rs) are coordinating and planning agencies for local child care services. They provide support to child care providers, parents, businesses and local governments. 



Hunger Solutions New York food and nutrition resources

This statewide nonprofit provides resources to help ensure children have enough to eat every day, helping community-based organizations to establish, or enhance, participation in federally funded child nutrition programs designed to address food insecurity, including SNAP, WIC, Pandemic EBT, summer and school meals.


NYS Parent Teacher Association school & community resources

PTA is a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.



Learn the Signs. Act Early. Child Development Resources

As a parent, you already have what it takes to help your young child learn and grow. Watch your child’s amazing progress by tracking his or her developmental milestones - how he or she plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves - and sharing that progress with your child’s doctor at every check-up.


Help Me Grow Network of Community Resources

Help Me Grow’s family resource specialists offer families the tools to give their children the best chances for health, happiness, and success. They listen, answer questions, and help families connect with information, programs, and services while providing ongoing, confidential support as children grow and develop.

Father playing with child

NYSB5 Baby Bundle resources for new parents

The NYSB5 project supported the development of these resources or Baby Bundle of materials to be provided to new parents (birth, adoption, foster) including books, brochures and helpful resources for families with children age 0 to 5. Inside the Baby Bundle are many resources to help new parents (birth, adoption, foster) with all they will need to know about to raise a healthy baby in NY. 
